Checklist To Look At Before Choosing Solar Panel Packages


Solar power Sunshine Coast isn’t new. Governments and individuals support solar initiatives favorably. This support aims to promote a sustainable solution for solving energy security issues of the nation while also taking steps to ensure ecological growth. No questions, solar panel packages, and the entire energy industry is growing fast every year. 

Mainstream consumers are taking up the challenge to buy solar panels and incur initial costs to benefit from them for a lifetime. Yet, the number of people purchasing and installing solar panels is relatively low. A few reasons could be the unclarity of how the system works, their skepticism, affordability, and other conscious grounds. 

Making the decision to purchase solar panel packages is difficult when you don’t know how to follow the approach. Hence, we have enlisted important conditions for you to consider before hiring a solar power Sunshine Coast expert. 

Checklist Before You Finalize Solar System Installation 

People should ask themselves these questions before uptaking solar installation in their homes. 

Your roof’s eligibility for an installation

A typical roof mounting structure of the solar system is heavy. Thus, the material with which your roof is made and the amount of weight it can bear needs to be cross-examined. Therefore, it is recommended you take professional advice and roof inspection. Also, you need to ensure that your roof is in a suitable direction to generate maximum power. Thus, a site visit becomes mandatory. 

Ask your solar power professional to look out for the wind load. See if your roof can nestle against wind load all seasons. Confirm whether your solar system can deal with tough weather conditions like hail, hurricanes, lightning storms, and so on. 

Select your solar expert carefully 

Getting a solar power system is a thing for a lifetime. Not only it helps in home improvements, but also generates clean energy which is good for the environment. Thus, you must choose an expert who sticks with you for a long time and guarantees 100% after service if something doesn’t work properly, at least until the warranty period. 

See if you need a grid connectivity 

In addition to checking your roof and other needs, you need to consider if the system needs to be grid-tied with net metering or will an independent solar power system with battery storage will work fine. A grid-tied connection is convenient and cost-effective. Whereas, batteries give you freedom from power outages. 

Warranty management

A solar system consists of components like mounting structure and electrical components, solar panels, etc. which are often manufactured in different companies and assembled to work together. All the items come with different warranties. 

Solar panels and other components are covered with about 10 years of product warranty. On the other hand, the performance warranty from the manufacturer is guaranteed to generate power for about 25 years. So, ensure how your chosen expert will manage the warranty before finalizing the deal. 

Review your maintenance packages 

It is crucial to keep your solar power system functional and thus, proper maintenance is required. Look through the maintenance procedures before your installation begins. See if you can meet the maintenance requirements or need the experts to do it for you. For instance, solar panels need to be cleaned at least twice a month to prevent loss of generation, safety incidents, or downtime. 

Buy Solar Panel Packages

Finding Solar power Sunshine Coast experts isn’t difficult if you already know who works best. We at Accord Electrical+Solar provide the latest on-grid, microinverter, and battery systems along with services like none other. Additionally, you get a 10-year warranty on the system’s components. Don’t things seem simple now? 

Check out our offers, solar panel packages, and services at our official website. Or call us on 5438-2382 for an obligation-free quote.

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