4 debunked myths about solar panels by solar Sunshine Coast experts

 People are demanding renewable energy sources and it's on a rise these days. The prices of solar panels and solar power essentials are going down, going off-grid is becoming a viable option across Sunshine Coast, especially for the middle class families. Families are searching for ways to save money on expensive electricity bills and also to adapt to a sustainable life. Solar panels are seen as a popular solution that many are searching for. Although this option is readily available to a wider audience, yet people display some sort of skepticism around the topic. Following myths is common across nations, but it is time to overlook them and embrace the idea of environmentally friendly solar energy. These  myths are one of the biggest reasons why the renewable energy benefits get overshadowed. Here, Accord Electrical+Solar debunks some myths about solar panels that’s stopping some to go for solar Sunshine Coast solutions. 

Myth #1 

Solar panels can severely damage your rooftop 

Think of it the opposite way. Solar panels mounted on your rooftop act as a protection shield to the roof against extreme weather conditions. Definitely, they do not damage your home’s rooftop. Again, an important thing to note here is that the solar panels are actually mounted and not  directly connected to roof tiles. This makes it easier for you to access the roof and repair it. 

Accord Electrical+Solar considers all the necessary factors like roof structure, wind loading, heat, rain protection etc., during the consultation phase to make sure everything's up to standards and guidelines. 

Myth #2

It decreases your home’s value 

Homeowners usually think that if they install solar power Sunshine Coast systems, it will decrease home’s value. However, in reality home buyers usually see solar panels as an attractive factor in a home or in any investment property. According to many instances and surveys it was found that homes with pre installed solar panels do sell faster compared to ones with no solar system. Moreover, homeowners increase the value of their home after installing solar panels, to cover its costs. So, not only you’re saving money but also investing in environment friendly solutions to protect your family. 

Myth #3

They don’t work in every climate 

Cold weather is usually a time when the performance of solar panels increases. The solar panels draw energy from sunlight, therefore, the system works a bit differently in summers and winter because of the availability of sunlight. In summer daylight, the system is less efficient but receives more sunlight, whereas, in winters, panels are more efficient but receive less sunlight. 

Accord Electrical + Solar performs  free onsite analysis to offer you the best solar system design that derives best results. On the other hand, there are many inverts that help to combat shaded roofs. So, no matter what kind of climate it is in the present day, large solar capacities will yield enough energy even in the colder months. 

Myth #4

Solar systems are expensive 

Solar  systems used to be expensive a few years back. But, in the current times, these systems will continue to offer a decreasing cost to purchasing and installing. The main reason behind this decline is the rising demand.  Rooftop solar panels costs have fallen because of which it is now reaching as a convenient and affordable renewable energy source to many customers. With being budget-friendly, solar panels offer cost savings in energy usage as well. Your savings, however, depend greatly on the size of the home, power usage, and size of your solar panels. 

Choose only the best 

If you still have some questions about solar panels and your rooftop, contact Accord Electrical+Solar. Learn about the benefits of going solar with these solar Sunshine Coast professionals. Why choose Accord? They are one of the most trusted solar installers for over twenty-five years. Their team of high degree professionals and technicians are right at your service to discard all the myths about solar panels. 

Source URL: https://www.accordelectrical.com.au/


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