Your Guide to Solar Panel Cleaning

Have you wondered if you need to clean your solar panels? Well, you certainly do, and here’s why. What causes solar panels to lose efficiency? There are several things that can cause solar panels to lose efficiency. While some are out of your control, let’s look at the things you can avoid by simply cleaning them regularly. Dust: A build-up of dust can affect your energy production over time. It might not have a huge impact immediately, but the longer you leave it, the more power you lose. Leaves: If leaves get stuck on your solar panels, it blocks the sun from hitting certain parts of the panel. This decreases energy production. Bird droppings: This is another risk if you have trees overhanging your roof. While not foolproof, choosing angled solar panels instead of flat ones may encourage the rain to wash away any debris. How to clean your solar panels The best way to clean your solar panels is to enlist the help of professionals. Your solar ins...