How Solar Saves You Money in the Summer!

The weather is warming up, meaning the birds are around and ready to chirp their melodious songs! It's going to be a fun one. However, you mustn't forget about safety precautions this time of year as it can get dangerous! Mosquitoes are no small matter, and with UV rays beaming at full force, it's always smart to wear plenty of sunscreens to prevent your skin from burning while letting the sun soak into your body as a natural tanning bed. Also, be sure not to burn and check the ozone levels before swimming - but don't fret because there is still time for some pool time! Solar Saves: AC Usage Let's just talk about your electricity bill, shall we? Summer vacations are a lot more enjoyable if one is not nearly passing out from the heat. Also, with all the family members who will be home this summer, let's not forget all those "warm bodies" that need to be cooled off after their long day at the beach! So don't forget to turn on the A/C unit before yo...